Went to the Zoo :3

Good mocha, too.

July 18 2024

Went to the zoo today with a special someone after eating at a restaurant my friend works at. He's been bugging me to go for a couple weeks so he could be our obnoxious waiter, but he forgot to tell me that he wasn't working there that day, so we gave his sister who also worked there ALL of his tips that he was gonna get hahaaa. We also went to a cafe and had some good coffee that I am currently regretting because I think it's messing with what I believe to be stomach acid reflux that's making me want to throw up if I do anything too active right now. Not a good state to be in; I need to go to the doctor for it soon.

Yeah, so we went to the zoo and walked around, and I brought my optical zoom camera to take some cool videos of animals that were too far away for us to get close to. I got the camera back in 2018, but I didn't use it much until these last couple weeks where I've had good opportunities to use it well. I will post about New York City some time later where I used it a lot. Taking pictures on it wasn't the greatest but it was because I was in the wrong mode. The video screenshots, I believe, have much better quality to them (again, because I'm in that mode instead :D)

About half of the animals we really wanted to see were napping so we couldn't capture any wolves or kangaroos. Maybe next time I'll capture them.

Here's some screenshots that I took for the animals I recorded! These really ought to be Jpegs, but it doesn't matter to me because I have storage, lol.

I got some great shots of these eagles. These are probably the best ones I took, so they get to go up top! The camera kept messing with me concerning the focus with the gates that I had to record past, but this time, it worked in my favor with the first shot here!

This eagle here looks like he nearly got shot in Butler, Pennsylvania. Sucks they didn't kill the bastard (you know what I mean!) Anyway, pretty birbs. Their wings make them look huggable; too bad they're clipped, but I suppose I understand why they had to do it: so I can come to that conclusion!

There were two white-tailed deer in sight. Some guy turned on some heavy machinery somewhere nearby that spooked them, so they went hide. But, we had time to capture them well. The other one looks old, and had no antlers, but apparently they were a buck like this one? But I think she was a doe. Maybe a trans doe. Gay/queer deer is a popular idea to me. I would believe it if someone said deer are gay.

Next, there was the Anoa. He was asleep this time, but he's like the only animal other than the deer that they have that are in any way related to bovids. This zoo has a lot of avian exhibits, which isn't bad, but I do like a more diverse set of exhibits. Not going to complain though. This guy is pretty rare. Apparently the Anoa are endangered, which would explain why he was lonely; must suck being like that. He was eepy and a bit further away, backed onto a wall. Doesn't look like the most comfortable nap, but probably so seeing as the other, seemingly more comfortable nap areas were not being taken advantage of.

Y finalmente, el Leo! I would've had much better shots of him, but the gates on the other side decided I don't deserve the correct focus except for when he graciously stepped down from his rock and presented onlookers with his crown jewels lmao. I shot this through a window that was a bit cloudy. I still think it was good. He had a mate with him that I also shot, but I don't think it's a good enough photo to feature here. Well then, it seems like all my photos are of male subjects in this post. That's not intentional, I swear!

I have photos of other animals, but they weren't as good. I should've taken more, and I will in the future if I go back, which I plan on!

After our little outing and gift shop-enjoying, we went to a cafe and I ordered a mocha. This is the mocha, in all its coffeeness. We took them to go, walked up a parking garage, and enjoyed the view from the top. There was a car with blocked out windows in the parking garage with nobody around it, so either they live in their car or they were getting freaky in there. None of my business though; more power to them if they are lol. I had half a mind to take a picture with the graffiti on the window that said "Send Nudes," but there were wasps flying near it and I really don't like being close to wasps! I kind of freak out near them, even if they're not actually wasps!

So yeah, that was today. Pretty fun little adventure, and one that me and my SO were planning on having for some time. Wish we had more time to do it on account of work, but I enjoyed it either way!