(I don't check this email often so be patient please)
I am a dude who wants to be involved in the revitalization of the concept of the personal website. I like making music and 3D artwork, and I've just gotten into zines. My favorite genres of music are vaporwave, electronic, psychedelic rock, trance, and some more I can't think of. Hard copies of media are based.
My favorite video game franchise is probably Metroid. Maybe I'll make a book reading list/review page on this website. I like reading about philosophy because it makes me feel good and it helps me understand people and ethics and stuff.
I'm a Socialist. Tired of explaining it. It works, and you're wrong if you disagree.
So yeah, typical weird person online. I hope you find the stuff I write about interesting! And as always, feel free to leave if you don't like who I am. I know certain opinions I hold are not common or are offputting to people, but I know more about myself than other people, and I'm comfortable with myself, and I know personally that I am not doing anything wrong.
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